Entries by Content Team

Popular Diesel Diagnostic Equipment

Many drivers believe diesel engines to be easier fixes because the components of most trucks are now controlled with computers. You get the impression that because a diesel engine is computerized, the mechanic should be able to hook up a tool and see what is going on almost immediately. Some specific engine problems are easy […]

How Did Recent Carbon Tax Laws Impact Truckers?

On April 1, 2019, the federal government imposed the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA) on the four provinces that had not yet passed their own carbon tax laws – Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick. Now every province is under a carbon pricing scheme, and this will impact what trucking companies will pay at […]

What Will The Future Of Trucking Look Like?

What does the future hold for the trucking industry? It’s not hard for us to slip into daydreams about what the next few decades will look like. Will our team soon be interacting with a computer system alone on the side of the road instead of a driver? Or will trucking stay as it has […]